Studies for a Studiolo - Wood intarsia/inlay 2019 - present
Using the Met’s Gubbio Studiolo as it’s jumping off point, I continue the biographic method of revealing one’s inner life through collections. Combining materials both obtained (stacks of books, ritual paraphernalia, print boxes, etc) and aspirational (the most expensive and rare punk and post-punk 7”s) acknowledge the proto-photoshop influencer fiction of the renaissance wood intarsia practice. These studiolo studies collapse my inner life of growing up in both the Hare Krishna movement and the punk/hardcore music scenes, studying and practicing orthodox Hindu/Vaishnava ritualism, as well as my own studio practice and experience in art academia. The wood intarsia/inlay method continues the connection to the original renaissance works through collaborating with artisans in Mysore, South India that I continue to work with in making religious items for ritual use in Hindu temples across the world.